Small Gestures


It’s 11:30 in the morning, already late, empty stomach, irritated, I was waiting for an auto and it felt like the Sun was trying its best to burn me alive. Everything about that morning was monotonous, atleast to me. Since a few months, my life was in a midst of various chaos and things were getting worse day by day. I was fighting, but that day the burden seemed too heavy to carry. While I was busy calculating how unfair life can be, an auto stopped in front of me.

After a while, I heard a soft voice,” how’s my hair clip?” It’s a little girl in school uniform sitting beside me. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. “Mamma got it for me”, she flaunted before I could answer. And In no time she told me everything like, she studies in UKG, she has topped the previous class and her best friend got the second position, she is carrying her favourite cheese roll in tiffin and had the same for breakfast, her teacher told them breakfast is an important part of the day. She kept narrating her stories with such innocence, I had completely forgotten about my mood. We reached her school lane, where her friend was waiting for her. She waved me goodbye and ran towards her.

I was feeling lighter inside like the negative vibes just got brushed off from me.
That day I have realised how small things matter, like when we smile to a stranger, hold the elevator or door for someone, pay compliments, Lend a hand to someone who is struggling, pass the ball back to the playing kids of neighbour, call an old friend from school. A Small gesture of your kindness can make someone’s day and people do notice that. I do. Plus, it will light your mood too.

And by the way I bought myself a sandwich as soon as I reached my destination, after all breakfast is an important part of the day. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

33 thoughts on “Small Gestures

  1. That is an amazing piece Lavanya! Little things do matter a lot, more than we give them credit for. This holds a very important message! Take care 😊❀️

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Hahaha, this was such a sweet story. And yes often we get so consumed in in our own world that we tend to overlook the sweet little things which makes life so much more meaningful and worthwhile. Thanks for writing and sharing this post Lavanya πŸ™‚

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I try to share my thoughts if I come across something where I really feel like. And yes it kind of sucks when you get a like no sooner the post is published. 😦 I wonder itni der mein to title bhi nahi padha hoga and the person even liked it πŸ™„

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I have been really bad at memorizing and telling the incidence that happened to me in childhood, it rarely come up… such incidence as you told with the girl, is a bless… I can just imagine how much interesting way she might be telling everything. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸŒ·

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    1. I wish I could do justice to her cuteness with my words…she is something else…😍 I even waited for her for the next few days at the same place but unluckily couldn’t find her after that.
      Well, thanks for sweet words Rishabh😊

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